Saturday, June 30, 2007

I Still Remember - the song that should've been on singstar

So Yesterday I was playing the PS2 Singstar Rocks! ( ) They have the unbelievably hard Bloc Party song "Banquet" as a song option. I had very little idea about what the song was about before we tried it out on the singstar. I still have no idea what the song is about. There's references to biting, and turning into the light, and smoking guns. Is it about vampires?

More accessible is the song "I Still Remember" a bittersweet reminiscence of what could've been. awwww

Mossteph's Top 10 Things Learned While Playing Singstar
1) You must hold the microphone upsidedown like you're 50 Cent (it makes for a higher score.)
2) Google what a "moskva" is. it may help you understand what "Winds of Change" is about.
3) I went on a date with someone who kinda looks like Robert Smith
4) Lynyrd Skynyrd v. Niel Young (had an early version of the lyrical rivalry?!)
5) That Good Charlotte guy is currently dating Nicole Richie.
6) (more like a question) I wonder if Slipknot cares that Good Charlotte guy is wearing one of their teeshirts. How do they feel about being associated? I think they're sad.
7) "Dusty" is a great androgynous name. Boys AND girls can both be Dusty. But then it's some type of self fulfilling prophecy to have dirty kids.
8) That band "Naked Eyes" does the 80s version of Burt Bacharach classic "Always Something There to Remind Me." (see previous Burt Bacharach post)
9)(Psycho)analysis of the Gwen Stefani video for Cool - a) Gwen as a brunette is hot b) her outfit in the opening scene does not match and is pretty ugly as a whole - I dissent in part - I think it's okay from the waist up c) how are you happy hanging out with your ex boyfriend and his beautiful new girlfriend AND having flashbacks of your happy times together? This does not make sense.
10) Continuing #9 . . . why doesn't she feel like her ex boyfriend should just die? this is a feeling that I'm used to. all this friendliness is confusing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you actually going to make me Google Moskva to find out what that great/ cheesy 90s ballad is about?! Just tell me!! Hahaha.

Some of my thoughts from singstar night:

I do concur that Gwen Stefani is hot as a brunette.

Gweni Stefani, no matter how much she insists, is clearly NOT "Cool" with the fact that her aand her ex-boyfriend have moved on.

"The Boys Are Back In Town" was harder to sing than I expected.

RuPaul's hot pants in "Love Shack" were shorter than I expected.


Good Charolette's use of old people in their video kinda weirded me out. I think rubbing lotion on an 80 year old lady in a bikini is uncalled for!
