Thursday, September 27, 2007

Chocolate Deities: Religion you can Sink Your Teeth Into

Chocolate Deities

I remember being sent to chibi no gakko when I was little. Chibi no gakko is Japanese School for little kids, like a summer class where they teach you that Japanese cultural stuff. There I sweltered away in Fresno CA learning colors in a foreign language and learning dances to songs I didn't understand, with a bunch of kids who were all Japanese and really proud of it.

During this trying experience where temperataures were high and my language ability was nil, I learned about the shinto gods like this jolly fellow. You may recognize him as "that buddha guy who they put on teeshirts and have in front of Chinese restaurants" but nooo, chibi no gakko students know him as, "Hotei" the god of happiness. That's why he's fat.

Check out this chocolate Hotei. Deeelicious


dm said...

I went to Daruma no gakko for a few summers, in my parents' perverse reaction to the lack of Chinese summer schools. We had that little red guy. I'm sure if I remembered something from that school it would have better prepared me for my adult otaku esistence. Remind me to get this chocolate dude for someone for Xmas.

Isn't "Chibi" also a term for the cute bobblehead versions of famous anime characters?

MosSteph said...

chibi is for babies! i think it's for kids of any size. sadly, chibi bobblehead babies get taller and turn into lollipop proportioned teens